Habitat Solar Squad

Talkin’ Trash Team

Planting Projects

10 Orange Co. Habitat homes installed with solar
Habitat Solar Squad
- We are involved in a partnership with Habitat for Humanity of Orange County to add rooftop solar to newly constructed Habitat homes. The first Orange County habitat home solar installation was funded in 2020 by East Chapel Hill Rotary and Southern Energy Management, a local solar installation company.
- Our Green Team aided Habitat in securing a $95,000 Orange Climate Action Fund grant, which enabled the solar initiative to continue. Through Southern Energy Management’s generosity, Rotary District grants were awarded to Hillsborough and East Chapel Hill Rotary, and hundreds of solar panels were donated by Strata Clean Energy. A total of 13 additional Habitat rooftop solar installations should be completed by the end of 2022.
- One of the most exciting collaborations to come out of The Green Team’s solar initiative is that UNC-CH student Will Nichols, who interned with our Green Team in 2021, and several like-minded UNC students have started a UNC-CH Solar Club. The Club is dedicated to helping Habitat add solar to their new homes while encouraging other universities to start similar Solar Clubs. The UNC-CH club is planning to join the Rotaract Club for the Environment. The UNC-CH Club students are split into four committees: social media, finance, networking, and solar equipment. Its mission is twofold: first, the club works to educate members on the importance of renewable energy. Second, the club hopes to develop a sustainable funding mechanism for the solarization of Habitat homes by procuring solar equipment from solar companies in the region.
- East Chapel Hill Rotary members Alan Young and Liz Henke joined the Renewable Energy Task force of Environmental Sustainability Rotary Action Group (ESRAG) and created a “how to” manual that guides Habitat affiliates through the process of adding rooftop solar to new homes. The handbook was reviewed by Habitat International and Rotary International and is now part of the partnership initiative between these two great organizations. Download the manual here.
- ESRAG is encouraging Rotarians around the country to duplicate this effort. Learn more here.
Talkin’ Trash Team
- Adopted an NC DOT Roadway Estes Drive from MLK Drive to Fordham Blvd
- Conduct quarterly litter pickups along Estes Drive and surrounding streets
- Fill bags with discarded trash for both recycling and landfill
- Collect other things, i.e., tires, car parts, construction materials, etc.
- Have fun with fellow Rotarians/friends as we provide a community service
- Since adopting Estes Drive in June 2020, we have filled over 650 bags

Over 1,000 bags of trash collected

60 trees planted locally
Planting Project
In April 2021, we collaborated with the town of Chapel Hill and the Friends of Booker Creek on their Homestead Park to plant over 60 native species in a space where Duke Power required the removal of 15 crepe myrtle trees.